Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Success Story - Petra

Congratulations Petra from Germany!

I found out about Cellreset half a year ago and started it for health reasons. Due to various illnesses, I used more and more drugs. Because of this my metabolism was totally out of balance and my weight had almost doubled within 10 years, I was just tired and tired.

Today I am free of medication, currently 57 lbs (26 kg) lighter and have my quality of life again. Cellreset and Fitline have helped me to regain energy, I have a restful sleep, the debilitating tiredness is a thing of the past and I am much more efficient overall.

Despite the weight loss, the skin has remained taut, the overall appearance of the skin has improved considerably.

At first, I did not expect this success and I am glad about everybody who just tries it and about the many great people who are going this way with me!

Thank you! ❤️

Do you want to lose weight too and be more healthy? For more information go to or click at the top on contact.

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